Loss Of Rent Arrears at commencement of policy will affect cover. Max Level Of Coverage
Tenant Skip (Lease Break) 8 weeks
Tenant Delinquency (Eviction Order granted) 10 weeks
Tenant Delinquency (Writ of Possession obtained) 12 weeks
Tenant Death (sole tenancy) 12 weeks
Tenant Murder or Suicide 25 weeks
Untenable (due to malicious damage by tenant to the contents only) 8 weeks
Untenable (due to malicious damage by tenant to the building only) 8 weeks
Victims of Violence 4 weeks
Additional Benefits Coverage Amount
Malicious damage to building and/or contents $35,000
Theft or damage due to theft to building and/or contents $15,000
Eviction filing fee, Eviction defense costs $5,000
Sheriff Fees $600
Loss due to use of Digital Lock Boxes $5,000
Service and/or companion animal damage $1,000
Re-keying of locks $400